Maslow 4.1 Christmas Update

Happy Wednesday Everybody, and Merry Christmas!

We’ve got an ultra short update this week because it’s Christmas! 

Kickstarter Status

This week we’re excited that while the US is on holiday, work is continuing full speed on getting our 4.1 kits completed thanks to the ground work we laid in the past. 

This week we received samples of the new idler gears, now trimmed to be more accommodating to the belt when it is fully wound onto the spool. Here is a photo comparison of the two gears, and you can see that quite a bit of material has been removed.

They work great.

We’ve also gotten confirmation that many of our other parts like the linear rods and bearings have been delivered to the factory where they will be packed and assembled into kits. 

Our injection molded parts are coming off the line this week in large quantities which feels great.

We are also still waiting on the electronics, nuts and bolts, and wiring harnesses needed for the 4.1 upgrade kits, but we checked in with those factories this week and they all confirmed that things are moving along smoothly and are on schedule.

We’re still waiting for payments to be processed by Kickstarter, but we’re hopeful that we’ll get the money this coming week and be able to pay for all of our parts in full.

Have a great week everyone and Merry Christmas to all those that celebrate it!

-Bar and Anna


The End of an Era


Sneak Peek at Manufacturing