Nothing here is for sale, just links and files you may find helpful. Click the images to follow the links to the products or download the files.
The Not Shop
Optional 3rd Party Parts and Accessories
(These links are affiliate links because I’m interested in seeing how viable that is as a way to fund open hardware)
You can find parts sold by us in the shop.
DeWalt 611 Router
Maslow4 is designed to work with the DeWalt 611 router. We picked this router after testing several because we found it to be the most well made option (least prone to overheating, easiest to change the router bit, has lights…etc). Clicking this photo will take you to the suppliers Amazon store.
These 10 mm pins can serve as anchor points for your Maslow4. These have a 20 mm working length and a 28 mm overall shaft length. There is a button to release the pin at the top. The 3D printed anchor points here are compatible with this pin. The Triangle Anchor will lock this pin at the top and the bottom. The Frogmouth will only lock this pin at the top. Clicking this photo will take you to the suppliers Amazon store.
Fancy Locking Pin
These 10 mm pins can serve as anchor points for your Maslow4. They should be 35 or 40 mm long so you can pull them out of the anchor point. The 3D printed anchor points listed here are compatible with this pin.. A more cost effective pin than the locking pin. Clicking this photo will take you to the suppliers Amazon store.
Not-so-Fancy Pins
This tag is a useful addition to the 3D printed Button Pusher for changing your router bit. It will serve as a reminder to remove the Lock-out Button before using your Maslow4. Clicking this photo will take you to the suppliers Amazon store.
Remove Before Flight Tag
This emergency stop button will cut off power to the Maslow4 immediately in case something goes wrong. Very useful if the Zeros are not set correctly and the Maslow4 starts cutting too deep or too shallow. The Maslow4 can also be stopped through the control web page on your tablet or computer. Clicking this photo will take you to the suppliers Amazon store.
Emergency Stop Button
This non-slip material can keep the wood you are cutting from sliding around while you are cutting it.
Router Pad
As sawdust and air slides through a vacuum hose it can create HUGE amounts of static electricity which can interfere with Maslow’s onboard electronics. This anti-static vacuum hose fixes that.
Anti-static Dust Hose
It’s easy to strip an Allen bolt making it difficult to take Maslow 4 apart. This easy out kit makes it simple to extract stripped bolts.
Easy-out Bolt Extractor
3D Printable Parts and Accessories
Click the photos to start a download of the STL file. If you don’t have a 3D Printer we recommend using CraftCloud and printing them from PLA with the default settings. We made a quick video on how to do that here.
Note that there are multiple excellent community produced 3D printed parts available in the forums here which might be better versions of these same designs.
Button Pusher
This 3D printable Button Pusher can be inserted into the base of the Maslow4 in the half-moon shaped gap. It will hold down the button on the router so that you can change the bit. It is easy to forget that the button is inserted, so consider getting one of the Remove Before Flight Tags shown here. Do not run the Maslow4 with the Button Pusher inserted. You can also press the button with just your fingers, but it can be tricky to reach. There is an updated community design for this file in the forums here.
Dust Collector
This 3D printable adapter can be added to the dust cover of the Maslow4 so that you can easily attach your shop vac hose. Available in sizes to fit a 40 mm hose, a 1.25in hose, a 1.5 inch hose, a 2 inch hose, a 2.31 inch hose, a 2.5in hose, and a 4in hose. Click the text of the size you want to begin the download. Let us know what other sizes you would like and we will make them.
3D Printable Anchor Points and Frame Parts
Click the photos to start a download of the STL file
The frogmouth anchor can be used in a glue down application or screwed to a frame with drywall screws. It is compatible with the 10mm pin listed here or 3/8ths inch bolts.
Frogmouth Anchor
Triangle Anchor
The triangle anchor can be screwed to a frame with drywall screws. It is compatible with the 10mm pin listed here or 3/8ths inch bolts.
This is a 3D printable belt guard with additional wings to eliminate space between the gears and the spool. You will have to print 4 and take apart each arm to install them. The should help prevent belt jamming.
Two Notes About this Piece:
3D printed PLA is softer than injection molded plastic. When installing this part, ensure the nuts are firmly seated, and be extra careful with the amount of tightening. Overtightening will crush the leg of the part, and cause it not to sit properly in the arm.
Consider printing this part with the 3 legs facing upwards. Depending on your printer and settings, printing it with the legs facing down can leave support material traces that can interfere with the belt fitting properly underneath this part later on in assembly.
Upgraded Belt Guard
Wall Anchor
The triangle anchor can be screwed to a wall. Make sure that your wall is strong enough to handle horizontal loads.
Corner Plate and Inside Plate
These plates can be 3D printed and used with 2x4s to create a wooden frame for the Maslow4. We recommend cutting the plates out of plywood instead of 3D printing from these files because it will be faster and cheaper, but you do you.
Unistrut Frame Anchor Points
These end caps can be printed to hold the anchors at the corners of the steel Unistrut frame.
Unistrut Frame Supports
These large triangle can be 3D printed to hold the legs of the Unistrut frame in place.
Unistrut Frame Connector Plates
These L-plates and T-plates can be 3D printed to hold the Unistrut frame together with bolts. There is also a bracket to hold the soil board up on the frame.