Please Fill Out Your Address Survey If You Haven't

This week’s update is not particularly exciting so I’ll keep it quick and not waste your time.

Production Update:

    4.1 Upgrade Kits: 

    The ship carrying those for the US has arrived, it’s unloading and they are making their way to being handed off to the USPS. There are still about 40 of those kits which are on the ship which are going to folks who haven’t yet filled out the address survey so we can’t send those to you. It’s not the end of the world, but it does mean that I have to pay tariffs on them and pay shipping twice (once to have them sent to me, and then again to send them to you once we get your address) so if you haven’t filled out the address survey yet please do! Unfortunately Kickstarter only lets us send it out one time! I’ve sent messages to everyone who still needs to fill out the survey.

    4.1 Full Kits:

    The last batch of injection molded plastic parts that we need to be able to start packing full kits is scheduled to arrive at our factory tomorrow. Assuming those parts pass QC we should be able to start packing kits in the next week. 

That’s it for me this week. Hopefully pretty soon here we’ll be able to shift focus from manufacturing things to making things 😃



Full Kits Packing, Upgrade Kits Shipping, Evermore Testing


Production Update, Software Changes, Moving Office