Shipping Maslow 4.1 Kits

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

This week the very first Maslow 4.1 kit arrived at our office as we expected and I was able to assemble and test everything. Overall it looked great. There were a few changes that we asked the factory to make to make sure that the shipment would go as well as possible.

First we asked them to give the cooling fan some extra protection. Those will now be included in their own protective bag.

Second, we asked them to install the linear linear rod clamps on the sled like this. 

Our instructions were not clear and they were installing them like this:

This way also works, but it can be hard to remove because they aren’t designed to go that way.

Finally we added biodegradable packing peanuts to the box to help cushion the parts during transit. 

These changes required opening and adjusting the boxes which were already packed which took some time, but I think that it was well worth it. At this point we have 450 full kits which are packed and have begun moving through the system to be sent out.

We have prepared the address list, paid for them to be shipped, and they will now be loaded up and delivered to the freight forwarder to be sent out. For me that feels like a huge relief because that is 450 kits which are out of my hands and on their way out into the world. 

We expect to have all of the kits packed and in transit by next week's update.

One other change which happened this week is that we adjusted how the hardware bag is packed. The parts will now be split into several smaller bags within one larger bag.

This makes it easier to find the right parts, and also allows the hardware packing company to use an automated packing machine which is much faster. We will see if we can get a video of this in action because it sounds cool.

Maslow 4.1 Upgrade Kits:

95% of the Maslow 4.1 Upgrade Kits are either delivered or in transit at this point. The remaining 5% are kits where we had an unexpected issue like a typo in the zip-code or a missing phone number for international orders. Tomorrow I will be going through those exceptions one by one and figuring out what is wrong with each one and making sure that they get delivered correctly.

Have a great week everyone!



Moving Boxes Around


Full Kits Packing, Upgrade Kits Shipping, Evermore Testing