4.1 Kits Starting to Arrive
Happy Wednesday Everyone,
Just a quick update this week. Our main factory is still closed for the CNY holiday, but the 4.1 upgrade kits that we sent out by air mail before the holiday have started arriving which is very exciting.
The kits headed for the US (mine included) are still in transit, but I was able to put together a first draft of the assembly guide with a video this week which you can find here: https://www.maslowcnc.com/41-upgrade-instructions
The process is generally what you would expect and I bet a lot of you could do it without even looking at the instructions, but it’s worth giving them a skim to catch anything which has changed.
As always, feedback on how we can do things better is super super welcome. We’ve already gotten some excellent feedback in the forums.
This week I also got information from our shipping agent about a couple of addresses that they thought had issues. I’ve sent messages to each of those folks so check your kickstarter messages.
As always I’m hard at work on lots of things, but none of them are exciting or ready to report so we’ll save those for a future update.
Have a great week everyone!